The feelings of young students in Coronavirus time
Does our local sewage plant work properly?
During the Science and Art Festival in Siedlce on 17-20.10.2019 as an activity in another project “Young students as critical science detectives in open science schooling” we took part in laboratory work checking critically the quality of water in our town’s river Krzna. The first sample was taken in the town before the sewage plant and just after it. We are presenting the poster on it 🙂
Festival website
More information and a detailed program on the festival website:
LINK to e-gallery:
Science in the service of humanity
Crossing barriers, breaking stereotypes, superstitions and beliefs – throughout the human history
The form
Presentation in the form of online posters. printouts or handmade posters
Theories, hypotheses – beliefs, myths, conspiracy theories and “fake news”
Is the globe flat?
The heart is a center of feelings.
Geocentrism – is Earth in the center of the universe?
Is illness the result of the human sin?
Do trees take substances mainly from the soil to grow?
Is bloodletting helpful as a treatment in case of illness?
Is homeopathic medicine effective?
Did the witches really exist?! Were they burnt at the stake?
Does the human soul weigh 21 grams?
Is there a supernatural world in heaven?
Is casting a curse or charm effective?
More at our padlet
On January 10th, 2020, a group of our Erasmus+ students took part in laboratories, experiments and lectures organized as part of the nationwide Night of Biologists by the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Sciences – Cardinal Stefan WyszyĹ„ski University in Warsaw.
Our students participated in selected classes, including the organic chemistry laboratory, where they performed the synthesis of aspirin and many other experiments in organic chemistry at subsequent laboratory workshops.
In the next laboratories “phosphorus is the key“, students had the opportunity to perform physico-chemical analysis of sewage and carry out the process of precipitation of phosphorus from sewage, also learning about its role in nature and the source of its origin in waste. This aspect was particularly interesting for students starting their adventure in the new project of the Erasmus+ program, in which the main goal is to learn about aspects related to sustainable development – energy production, waste segregation, waste treatment and purification sewage.
After intensive work in the laboratory, students were taken on a journey to the Kingdom of Tonga, where they became acquainted with the world of whales and their smaller inhabitants of the oceans. Wojciech MÄ™czyĹ„ski, an underwater photographer, took them on this journey, introducing them to geographical antipodes, distant Polynesia, but also “size antipodes” telling about organisms 1600 times smaller than humpback whales.
Young students as critical science detectives
Let’s see what will students’ imagination and creativity make it shape!
- Bring – every student a few kinds of plastic (and sticking tapes) of different colours.
- Be prepared for at least two ideas how you would like the photo to be taken with you. Be creative. There are some suggestions on the internet and here.
- Wednesday 5.02.2020 – photo session with Dariusz Nikiel.
- You can bring something (vegetables, fruit) or things (teddy bear, dolly, toys) to be wrapped in plastic.
Plastic Photo session
What do we want here is to wake up our awareness about the danger the plastic era is heading
Have a look into the students’ interpretation:
Based on news from scientific articles and NGO’s web pages we created touching posters to organize a school exhibition aiming to raise our school community awareness about the harmful effect of plastic to our environment.